Connecting to Public Sewer

Connecting your NEIGHBORHOOD



Connecting neighborhoods served by a private treatment facility

If your home is connected to a common treatment facility such as a subdivision operated wastewater treatment plant or neighborhood lagoon, and you and your neighbors are in need of assistance with managing the system, the District may be able to help.

The process for transferring ownership, operations and maintenance to the Sewer District is as follows:

  1. Concept Review – Representatives of the neighborhood meet with District personnel to discuss transfer of ownership of the private system to the Sewer District.
  2. Inspection of private treatment and collection system – District personnel evaluate the system. The District will not accept a system that does not meet its standards.
  3. Review of Inspection Report – The District shares results of inspection with owners.
  4. Completion of Improvements – If needed, owners complete the improvements documented in the inspection report at their own expense. If the costs are substantial there are additional option available. Please contact the district to inquire about SSIA’s
  5. Connection/Inspection Fees (when applicable) – The owners will need to pay any applicable fees.
  6. Transfer of Sewer Easements – All easements to the collection system must be transferred to the Sewer District to allow access for operations and maintenance.
  7. Transfer of Ownership – Once improvements are complete and the project is inspected and accepted, the neighborhood transfers real estate ownership to the Sewer District by way of a Warranty Deed and other property by Bill of Sale.
  8. Transfer of O and M – Sewer District takes over operations and maintenance of the system.
  9. Initiate Monthly Sewer Service Bill – Property owners receive a monthly sewer service bill.

Connecting neighborhoods to the Public Sewer System through a Sanitary Sewer Improvement Area (SSIA)

If your neighborhood is currently connected to private septic systems and you are interested in the development and installation of public sewer lines within a proposed boundary in Jefferson County.  You can apply for consideration of a Sanitary Sewer Improvement Area (SSIA). You may also request a District representative to attend a neighborhood meeting to answer any questions regarding connection.

Guidelines for the creation of a Sanitary sewer Improvement Area (SSIA):

  1. Initial Preparation – Identify the boundaries of the proposed SSIA.
  2. Preliminary Plan Preparation – Prepare a plan of proposed improvements.
  3. Petition Of Property Owners – Obtain or confirm that signatures have been obtained from 4/7ths of the property owners within the proposed SSIA. If there are more than one owner of a parcel of property, then all owners must sign, including both husbands and wives.
  4. District Resolution – After the petition has been filed with the District and the District confirms it meets the requirements, the District may, by resolution order that the area be established as an SSIA and that the preliminary plans be prepared.
  5. Plan Preparation And Second Resolution – After the first resolution has been adopted, the District is to cause the plans and specifications to be prepared. Once these are prepared, the District is, by resolution, to order assessment to be made against each parcel of real property deemed to be benefitted by the improvement based on the revised cost estimate. The plans and specifications for the improvements and the proposed assessment roll shall be opened for public inspection. The proposed assessment roll identifies the parcels within the proposed area and the proposed assessment for each.
  6. Public Notice – After the second resolution has been adopted, the District is to prepare and publish notice of a hearing to consider the proposed improvements and assessments in a newspaper of general circulation at least once, not more than twenty (20) days and not fewer than ten (10) days, before the hearing.
  7. Mail Notice – Not less than ten (10) days before the hearing, the District shall mail to the owners of record of the real property in the SSIA, at their last known post office address, a notice of the hearing and a statement of the cost proposed to be assessed against the real property. The notice should be sent by certified mail and regular mail.
  8. Public Hearing – At the public hearing, all those in attendance wishing to submit something in writing or be heard are to be provided an opportunity to The Board may amend the proposed improvements, the plans and specifications or the assessments as a result of the public hearing and comments and objections. At the conclusion, if the Board wishes to proceed, a third resolution is to be adopted ordering the improvements be made and directing that financing for the cost be obtained.
  9. Bonds And Seperate Accounts – The proceeds from the sale of any revenue bonds for the making of the improvements must be maintained in a separate fund or account created by the District for the improvement project. These funds shall be used for the payment of costs incurred in making the improvements.
  10. Complete Improvements – After the third resolution has been adopted, contracts for the construction of sewage treatment plants and sewers that cost more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) are to be publicly bid in accordance with Section 204.620 RSMo. Notice of the contract bid process must be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the District. The Board shall select the lowest responsible bidder in no less than twenty (20) days following the publication.
  11. Assessments – After completion of improvements, the District is to compute the final costs of the project and apportion the costs among the property owners benefitted by the improvement in an equitable manner, as determined by the Board. Each tract, lot or parcel of property is to be charged with its proportionate share of the costs, as shown on the assessment roll. The District is then to adopt a resolution formalizing the assessment.
  12. Notice Of Assessment By Mail – Following the adoption of the Resolution, each property owner within the District must be notified by mail of the assessment. The notice should be sent by certified mail and regular mail.
  13. Recording Of Notice Of Assessment Lien – Following the adoption of the Resolution, the District is to record a Notice of Assessment Lien as to each property within the SSIA.
  14. Release Of Notice Of Assessment Lien – Upon receipt of payment in full of assessment amounts for a property, the District is to record a Release of Notice of Assessment Lien.


If you are experiencing a problem with your septic system or private lagoon, you may want to look into connecting to a public sanitary sewer system. Occasionally, properties with on-site systems are situated in areas where it is feasible to connect the individual property to public sewer.

  • There are costs associated with connecting to public sewer:
  • The property owner will need to hire an engineer to design the connection.
  • The cost of constructing the lines to connect your property to the public system is the owner’s responsibility.
  • The owner must pay all applicable Sewer District fees.
  • There will be a monthly sewer service bill

However, once his/her property is connected, the homeowner will never have to face the expense of improvements to an on-site treatment system.

Contact our staff to discuss connecting your home or business to public sewer >

Download a Connection Agreement >


If you are interested in developing a piece of property in unincorporated Jefferson County, you need to meet with the Sewer District to discuss how to provide sanitary sewer service to the homes or businesses.

The following describes the process from the perspective of:

Developer / Property Owner

Planning sewer for a proposed development

The following is a summary of the process for connecting a new development to the Sewer District:

  • Concept Review – Developers and their engineers meet with the Sewer District to determine options for sewer service.
  • Submission of Preliminary Plan/Plat – District staff reviews plans and shares comments with the Developer and/or Engineer.
  • Preparation, Acquisition and Assignment of Sewer Easements, Warranty Deed and Bill of Sale – All easements to the sanitary sewer system must be granted to the Sewer District. The developer must transfer real estate ownership to the Sewer District by way of a Warranty Deed and other property by Bill of Sale.
  • Submission of Revised Plans and Legal Documents – The developer must submit five copies of the final plans to the Sewer District as well as the easements, warranty deed, bill of sale and proposed final plat.
  • Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) Approval and Construction Permit – Once the plans are approved, the plans are submitted to MDNR along with application for construction permit and the application fee. The fee depends on the type and size of the proposed system.
  • Sewer District Construction Permit – Developer or the construction company hired by the developer to build the sanitary sewer acquires a Sewer District construction permit at the District office. The permit gives the District notice of when construction is scheduled to begin.
  • Construction Inspection – District personnel inspect the construction in progress.
  • Pre-final inspection – District personnel perform pre-final inspection and prepare final punch list.
  • As-Builts – Once the sewer system is complete, as-builts must be prepared and submitted to Sewer District.
  • Record Final Plat – Sanitary sewer infrastructure must be completed and operable before the Plat is recorded.
  • Facility Start-Up – The developer will arrange a walk through and training session for Sewer District operators on new treatment facilities and pump stations.
  • Notice of Completion to MDNR – District submits letter of authorization to MDNR and applies for Operating Permit if applicable.

Contact our staff to set up a concept review for a new development >


Building homes in a new development

Are you building a home that is served by the Jefferson County Public Sewer District? Early in the process, we recommend that you stop by the Sewer District to fill out the Application for Service. At that time, we can determine what kind of system serves the neighborhood and identify the fees associated. The District has two primary systems, a conventional gravity system and pressurized systems.

You can review the Service Connection Application by clicking the link below.


Contact our staff if you have questions about building a home in a new development in the Jefferson County Public Sewer District’s territory.

Design and Construction Specifications

Sewer Use Regulations

These regulations govern the use of public sanitary sewers and cover issues such as the installation and connection of sanitary sewers and the discharge of waters and wastes into the public sanitary sewer systems. The regulations also provide penalties for violations. These regulations are enacted by the Sewer District Board of Directors in order to protect and promote the public health and to ensure the safe and efficient delivery of wastewater collection and centralized treatment services. These regulations are applicable to all areas within unincorporated Jefferson County, Missouri.

Download the Sewer District’s Water and Sewer Rules and Regulations >

Sanitary Sewer Specifications

When designing sanitary sewer infrastructure that will become part of the Sewer District’s system, please follow the Districts’ Sanitary Sewer Specifications and Standards.

Download the Sewer Specifications here 

Water System Specifications

When designing water infrastructure that will become part of the Sewer District’s system, please follow the Districts’ Water Specifications and Standards.

Download the Water Specifications here >


Download the Sewer District’s Ordinances here >

What if I still have questions?​

Contact District staff in person M-F, 8am – 4:30 pm or by telephone 636-797-9900.

If this is an emergency please contact our emergency line 24/7 (636-797-9900 option #6)