Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a Continuing Authority?
Missouri Code of State Regulations (CSR) Division 20, Chapter 6, Section (3), part (A) states: “All applicants for construction permits or operating permits shall show, as part of their application, that a permanent organization exists which will serve as the continuing authority for the operation, maintenance, and modernization of the facility for which the application is made.”
What is a Level 2 continuing Authority?
Part (A) goes on to list the 5 levels of continuing authority, Jefferson County Public Sewer District (JCPSD) is requesting Level 2 Authority:
2. A municipality public sewer district, or sewer company regulated by the Public Service Commission (PSC) with currently provides sewage collection and/or treatment services on a regional or watershed basis as outlined in 10 CSR 20-6.010(3) (C) and approved by the Clean Water Commission. Permits shall not be issued to continuing authority regulated by the PSC until the authority has obtained a certificate of Convenience and necessity from the PSC.
My system has a current operating permit, how will the affect me?
If your current system is operating in good standing with the MoDNR then the Level 2 may not have any affect. If your facility is in an area that is designated for regionalization, then JCPSD would like to add your system to the regionalization plan. If your system is having difficulty meeting your permitted limits you should contact the District to discuss your situation. If you currently operate a small wastewater facility (less than 100,000 gpd), discharging to an unclassified stream, it is important to know that the environmental limits are becoming more stringent every year.
How do I transfer the Continuing Authority of my facility to JCPSD?
Our website jeffcopsd.org has transfer application forms for initiating the process. The District office information follows:
Jefferson County Public Sewer District
PO Box 632, 4632 Yeager Rd
Hillsboro, MO 63065
(636) 797-9900
Link to the public notice webpage:
Link to the public notice: https://dnr.mo.gov/env/wpp/permits/pn/docs/JeffCo_PN_page.pdf