Lower Big River Regionalization Project

Project Progress

Crunching Numbers

Gathering Data

Acquiring Easements

Accepting Bids

Contract(s) Awarded

Under Construction

Construction Completed

Construction Q & A’s for Lower Big River Regionalization Project

Q: What is the purpose of this project?
A: The purpose of this project is to upgrade and improve existing collection and treatment facilities and connect failing septic systems. The improvements will prove to be more cost efficient and create a healthier environment for area residents.

Q: How does construction affect my property?
A: If you choose to be part of the regionalization project. You will be connected to the new public sewer line. JCPSD will pump all wastewater from the existing septic tank and decommission the system. If your lateral line is not at the correct depth to accommodate a public gravity line. The property owner will be responsible for providing, installing and maintaining a grinder pump.

Q: What is included with the project?
A: The construction and all infrastructure. This includes sewer mains, lateral lines, manholes, decommissioning of septic systems and restoration of disturbed properties.

Q: Do I need to provide anything to ensure my property is connected?
A: Yes, all residents must sign a temporary construction easement and a permanent utility easement. This allows the construction crew to enter your property without risk of trespassing and frees the property owner of any liability if the construction crew is injured. The utility easement gives JCSPD the right to enter your property for the sole purpose of maintaining the sewer line. An easement is required to connect to the public sewer main.

Q: Will JCPSD contact me if there’s a problem during construction?
A: Yes, JCPSD mails a “Customer Contact Form” to every property owner at the beginning of a project. The purpose of this form is to gather current contact information. It makes communication near impossible when the property owner doesn’t complete and return the form.

Q: What will my monthly utility rate be?
A: The District currently charges a residential flat rate of $53.70 in your area. Commercial accounts are based on water usage.  All new customers also are required to pay a $100 security deposit.