The Jefferson County Public Sewer District, is requesting qualifications for engineering services to assist in performing a study and developing a report of the Raintree Plantation Sanitary Sewer System, identifying the causes and proposed solutions for the system’s I&I (inflow and infiltration) issues, this project may be partially financed by a Clean Water Small Community Engineering Assistance Grant.


Information provided to the District must include:

  1. The specialized experience and technical competence of the firm with respect to this type of study and report. The team should include NAASCO certified personnel. Members of the engineering team must have experience in addressing I&I issues. If partnering with another firm, indicate distribution on workload.
  2. The capacity and capability of the firm to perform the work, including any specialized services. Provide a description of how the firm would complete the work and the ability to perform the work within a period of six (6) months from Notice to Proceed. The consultant must be able to provide all equipment to be used for the duration of this project.
  3. The past record of performance of the firm with respect to such factors as control of costs, quality of work, and ability to meet schedules.
  4. The firm’s proximity to and familiarity with the area in which the project is located.
  5. References from 3-5 previous clients of related work within the past five years.


  1. Gather all pertinent information for existing facilities such as surveys, plans, maps, record drawings, and other data.
  2. Perform analysis of the existing system based on information provided by District’s staff and information gathered.
  3. Evaluate the system to determine the quantity and cause of excessive I&I in the system. Provide a report recommending cost-effective remedial measures.
  4. Develop a list of the advantages and disadvantages for remedial measures which will reduce and/ or eliminate I&I issues.
  5. Compile all information in an Engineering Report which will meet all criteria as may be required by the EPA, the Missouri Department of Natural Resources and the Districts NPDES Permit.

All information gathered during the project will be added to the District’s GIS data system.


The selection process will be performed according to the procedures and procurement requirements in Sections 8.285 – 8.291 RSMo. The firm will be selected based on the above factors.

RFQ Rating Categories Points Available
Specialized Experience and Technical Competence 40 Max Points Capacity
and Capability 20 Max Points
Past Record of Performance, Client References 20 Max Points
Proximity and Familiarity 20 Max Points\

The Statement of Qualifications must be submitted no later than 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 19, 2018, to the District Manager, Jefferson County Public Sewer District, P.O. Box 632, Hillsboro, MO 63050. Please provide five (5) copies of the Statement of Qualifications in a sealed envelope marked “Engineering Qualifications – Raintree Sewer System (I&I Study)”. For more information, please contact Douglas Bjornstad P.E., District Manager, 636-797-9900.

The Jefferson County Public Sewer District is an Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages the submission of qualifications from Women and Minority Business Enterprises.